Silliman TAP

The Silliman Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) was established to offer tuition assistance to families with demonstrated financial need. We never want the cost of attendance to be a deterrent to students remaining at Silliman.

  • The TAP is available to current Silliman families.
  • New families may apply after completion of their first year of enrollment at Silliman.
  • Families who apply for tuition assistance must produce requested tax documents that, along with an application, will be presented to a TAP committee for review.
  • Students must have or maintain a 2.0 GPA in core academic courses to be eligible for tuition assistance.
  • The TAP is not a scholarship program for academics or athletics, rather is available on a
    year-by-year basis for families based on financial need.

Please consider supporting our Silliman families and make a donation to help them in times of need.

Silliman TAP donations are tax-deductible and may be done through a monthly recurring payment or through a one-time donation.

To make your contribution today, please click here.